Happy "Bird-Day" Pop!
Happy "Bird-Day" Pop!!
Happy Birthday to my sweet Daddy!! I love my sweet parents and Jozi Noel loves all her grandparents so much! I love celebrating for their birthdays because they are both so selfless that I love days that are "for" them.
Jozi Noel just happened to experience Ellie Ford's bday on Saturday and loved when everyone sang Happy Birthday. So the fact that we ate after church yesterday for my dad's (Pop's) bday right after EF's party she knew what to expect. And, was ready to party. ;)
She sang Happy "bird-day" the rest of the afternoon.
I love so much that she is starting to understand what birthday's actually mean (parties, cake, presents, .... oh and FUN) because her birthday is coming soon, Dec. 3rd!!! Though, we are not doing anything too extravagant this year I am very excited about her having fun! :)
XOXO, Brittany